Yes! Some people don’t know where they are. Some don’t know why they are. Some don’t know who they are. Oh! Many don’t know why they are who they are where they are. Let me ask you; how many of the deaths recorded daily ever received the accolades that the performing stage of life holds for the hero in them before they passed on? The answer to this question will reveal how unexpressed within-heroes answer grave call daily. However, not that this dead never will it – to be revered and honor, but along the way the “will” of their life turn to “wish” because of imagined and material barriers has the great visionary, Gideon Bankole called what I referred to as inevitable hurdles of life. Thus they give up their royalty.
However, you and I have read, seen and heard about how people who are once referred to as underdog have overcome and crossed the inevitable hurdles of their life to register their name boldly in the book of history. Now! Ask yourself this simple question; are you the utopia you dream of in your childhood? The answer to this question will provide you with the clear picture of how you ever wanted to rein, to be valued and revered. How come now you are not in the reign? Why do you remain in that position for too long? Why does everything turn inside out? The royalty is lost! (Has rightly explained in the last post- “Once King”). Painfully today most live wrongly. Why? Because they no longer pay tribute to their Individuality* - they’ve totally lost it. Thus they traded their right to significance in life. And this has greatly deprived many of the opportunity to birth and raise the hero within to stardom. Therefore, they inescapably lose the recognition due for the royalty they bear. As to this they occupy the relegation zone.
To move beyond the inevitable hurdles of life that have left you in that continuing condition of unvoiced cries and contact the due celebration that awaits the hero within. Better still, for you to join the clique of living heroes such as: Soichiro Honda, Bill Gate, and the recently celebrated Usain Bolt and President Barrack Obama you must be ready to take a bold step and acknowledge those fundamental principles they have followed to come that far: a well designed procedure and process of examining your life; a lucid picture of where you are and who you are. (The article: “What is life about?” earlier posted on this blogsite ascertained that life is about why you are who you are you may wish to check this out) be continued
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