Many are those who have great ideas that never materialize into reality. Then you want to ask why? The only valid answer to this question is INACTION!
You won't know whether or not your idea will work out if you never give it a trial.
These are 7 tips to help you turn your ideas to reality:
1. Generate a clear goal
Now that you have idea, what do you want to do with it...
2. Set up plan of action for the goal:
You must plan the 'how' to your goal - how you want to go about achieving it.
3. Focus on the goal not obstacle:
Obstacles will come but overcoming them should not deter you from your goal
4. Take appropriate risks:
Everything ever done was once impossible
5. Stay motivated:
Sure the road will be rough but always remember that their is light at the end of every tunnel
6. Stay put and ever push forward:
Since your goal is in line with who you are do not give up, it is all about making progress - improvement and development by deployment
7. Now is the the time:
'At the end we only regret the chance we didn't take and the steps we waited too long to make'
The ball is at your leg...